Test Cases For Website URL and URL Field

Sample Test Cases for the URL 


In this tutorial, we will learn how to write URL field Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are The Test Cases for Website URL Field?
Here !! Important test cases for the URL field are given
  • Verify the URL field by entering the valid URL with https.
            Eg- Https://www.qaacharya.in
  • Verify the URL field by entering the valid URL with http only.
  • Verify the URL field by entering the without entering the Https or HTTP.
  • Verify the URL field without entering the extension name
            Eg. Http://www.qaacharya
  • Verify the URL field without entering any dot.
  • Verify the URL field by entering only the extension
  • Verify the URL field by entering the combination of number and character
  • Verify the URL field by entering the combination of number, character and special characters other than (.)
  • Verify the Url fields by entering the space between the domains
              Eg.Https://www.qaach arya.in
  • Verify the URL field by entering only blank space
  • Verify the URL field without entering any data
  • Verify the URL field by entering the numbers only.

Hope!!! The above test cases for URL fields are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test cases for the URL field

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  1. can i know which case is positive and which case is a bug?
