Test Cases for a Text Box | Text Field

Sample Test Cases for Text Box

Here!!! Some of the important Test case for Text Field is given...

UI Test Cases For Text Box

  • Check whether the text box is properly visible to the user or not.
  • Verify the alignment and placement of the text box on the page as per requirement or not.
  • Check whether the placeholder and label are as per requirement and visible to the user or not.
  • Check whether the colour, font and size are as per requirement or not.
  • Verify the alert message when the user enters the invalid data.
  • Check the responsiveness of the field.
  • Verify the behaviour of the text box when the user controls through the keyboard.

Functional Test Cases for Text Box

  • First, verify that the user is able to click on a text box or not.
  • Check whether the user is able to type in the text box or not.
  • Check whether the typed text is properly visible to the user or not.
  • Verify the text box by entering the alphanumeric characters. 
  • Check for the alphabet is accepted in upper and lower case both.
  • Test the text box by entering the special characters (e.g., @, #, $). 
  • Verify the text box when the user provides empty input. 
  • Verify the text box maximum and minimum character limit. 
  • verify the undo and redo functionality within the text box. 
  • Check that users can copy and paste text from and to the text box or not. 

Inputs For Text Box Field

  • Max Length of chars 
  • AlphaNumeric 
  • numeric 
  • Min Length of chars 
  • Space Between words 
  • Leading and Trailing Spaces 
  • Special Char 
  • Unicode Char 
  • <script>alert("123")</script> 
  • user@Testers.com 
  • Bala12061911 
  • </br> 
  • alert("Bala") 
  • SQL Injection

Hope !! The Above Test case for Text Box is Helpful For you ...

QA acharya

Also Read:
How to Handle TextBox In Selenium Webdriver Using Java?

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Test Cases For Text Box