Test Cases for Amount Field

Sample Test Cases for Amount Field

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Amount Field Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What are the Test Scenarios for the Amount Field?

Here !!! Important amount field test scenarios field given ...

Amount Field (Indian Rupee)

  • First Verify that the amount field is clickable or not.
  • Check that user is able to type or enter in the field.
  • Verify the amount field by entering the Number only.
  • Verify the amount field by entering the decimal value only
  • Verify if the field accepts coma. 
  • Verify that if the field accepts a negative value (with a minus sign )
  • Verify the decimal value up to the limit .
  • Verify the field by entering the alphabet
  • Verify the field by entering the special char.
  • Verify the max length limit for the amount field.
  • Verify the min amount limit for the field.
  • Verify the field by entering only Zero only.
  • Verify the field by pasting the alphabet in the field
  • Check the field by pasting the special char.
  • Check the amount field by entering (0001).
  • Verify that when the user leaves the field blank (if the field is mandatory )
  • Verify the alert message when the user clicks on save without entering the amount (if the field is mandatory )
  • Verify the alignment of the field showing properly or not.
  • Verify whether the entered amount is properly visible to the user or not.

Hope !!! The above Test cases for the amount Field are helpful for you ...

QA acharya 

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Test Cases for amount Field

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  1. Can you Please Post Test cases for video calling and Audio Calling?
    It will very helpful to Us.

    1. Hey ,
      Thank you for reaching us..Our team will update your requirement as soon as possible.

      QA acharya
