Constructor in Java ,Types and Example of Constructor

What is Constructor in java ?

In Java programming language a constructor  is defined as a special type of method which has the same name as that of that class and is used to initialize the data members.
And A constructor is a method which must be declared public and should not have any return type- even void is not allowed! and constructor is also  called automatically during object creation- you cannot call it like other functions- remember it is a very special and unique function.Unique doesn’t mean it cannot be overloaded. You are allowed to have more than one constructors for a single class.

java Constructor

Use of Constructor
In Java constructors are basically used to assign values to the class variables at the time of object creation.

Syntax Of Constructor-The basic Syntax of a Constructor give Below.

Class Name ()

//Constructor Body

example of constructor -

 Class Test

int a=;
Test() // Constructor declaration
a=10,//constructor body
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test t = new Test();


Rules and Regulation to Create Constructor 
In java their are some basic rule and regulation while creating the constructor which are listed below

  •  Constructor name class name must be same.
  •  It is possible to provide parameters to constructors (just like methods).
  •  Constructor not allowed explicit return type even void.
  • In Java constructor cannot be  static,abstract, final, and synchronized
Types Of Constructor In Java
There are two types of constructor in java which given below

1.Default Constructor                  OR  Zero arg Constructor 
2-User Defined Constructor      OR   Parameterized constructor

1-Default Constructor- (Zero arg Constructor)

  • In java ,Inside the class if we are not declaring any constructor then compiler generates zero argument
  • In java ,constructors with empty implementation at the time of compilation is called default constructor.
  • In java ,The compiler generated constructor is called default constructor.
  • In java ,Inside the class default constructor is invisible mode.
  • To check the default constructor provided by compiler open the .class file code by using java decompiler software.

Syntax of Default constructor -

Class name (){}

 Default Constructor Example -In this Example we Zero arg constructor for Mobile this Example JVM will create the Constructor 

class Mobile
//default constructor  
System.out.println("Mobile is On");
//main method  
public static void main(String args[])
//calling a default constructor  
Mobile b=new Mobile();  


Output- Mobile is On 
In above application when we create object by using new keyword “Mobile b=new Mobile();” then compiler is searching for “Mobile()” constructor inside the class since not available hence compiler generate default constructor at the time of compilation

Purpose of Default Constructor-
In Java default constructor is used to provide the default values to the object like 0, null, etc.,
Only the compiler generated 0-argument constructor is called default constructor.
The user defined 0-argument constructor is not a default constructor.

User Defined Constructor -(Parameterized Constructor)

  • Constructors are used to write the logics these logics are executed during object creation.
  • Method also used to write the logics these logics are executed when we call the method.
Syntax of user defined constructor 

Student (int stid,int sroll){}

 User Defined Constructor Example -In This Example we Create constructor for student class with two parameter 

class Student{  

   int id;  

    String name;  

    // parameterized constructor  
    Student(int i,String n){  
    id = i;  
    name = n;  
    void display(){
    System.out.println(id+" "+name);}  
    public static void main(String args[]){  
    //creating objects and passing values  
    Student std1 = new Student(121,"Ram");  
    Student stds2 = new Student(212,"Lakhan");  
    //Method Calling 

output- 121 Ram
               212 Lakhan

  • In Java,Inside the class if we are declaring at least one constructor (either 0-arg or parameterized) then compiler generate 0-arg constructor with empty implementation is called default constructor.
  • In Java,Inside the class if we are declaring at least one constructor (either 0-arg or parameterized) then compiler not generating default constructor.
  • In Java,If we are trying to compile below application the compiler will generate error message“Cannot find symbol ” because compiler is unable to generate default constructor.

Point to remember about Constructor 

  1. When we create instance (Object) of a class using new keyword, a constructor for that class is called.

Class-name reference-variable = new class-name ();
Test t =new Test();

Test ---> class Name

t ---> Reference variables
= ---> assignment operator
new ---> keyword used to create object
Test () ---> constructor
; ---> statement terminator

New keyword:-

New keyword is used to create object in java.
When we create object by using new operator after new keyword that part is constructor then constructor execution will be done.

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