Italian Trulli

Inheritance in java ,Types of Inheritance and Examples

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what is inheritance?

The process of acquiring properties (variables) &methods (behaviors) from one class to another class is called inheritance.
We are achieving inheritance concept by using extends keyword.
Inheritance Also known as is-a relationship.
Extends keyword is providing relationship between two classes..
The main objective of inheritance is code extensibility whenever we are extending the class automatically code is reused.

Inheritance in java

use of inheritance in java

Q:What is Use of inheritance in java ?
A: Inheritance use for 
  1)Stablish the Relationship between Parent and child class
  2) To achieve the Method overriding
  3) for code extensibility 

Inheritance Example
Example without inheritance

class A

void m1(){ }
void m2(){ }

class B

void m1(){ }
void m2(){ }
void m3(){ }
void m4(){ }

a. Duplication of code.
b. Code length is increased.

Example with inheritance

class A //parent class or super class or base

void m1(){ }
void m2(){ }
class B extends A //child class or sub or derived

void m3(){ }
void m4(){ }

a. Eliminated duplication.
b. Length of the code is decreased.
c. Reusing properties in child classes.

Parent class or super class or base-

Child class or sub or derived-

extends keyword:-We are achieving inheritance concept by using extends keyword,Extends keyword is providing relationship between two classes..(parent and child )

Types of Inheritance in Java

There are Five types of inheritance in java 
1)Single Inheritance 
2)Multi level Inheritance 
3)hierarchical Inheritance
4)Multiple Inheritance  // not supported
5) Hybrid Inheritance   // not supported

1)Single Inheritance 

Single Inheritance

Single Inheritance Example

class Animal //Parent Class 
void drink()
System.out.println("Animal Drinking");

class Lion extends Animal // Child Class
void bark()

class Test
public static void main(String args[])
Lion L=new Lion();  

2)Multi level Inheritance 

Multilevel Inheritance 

Multi level Inheritance Example

class Animal //Parent Class 
void drink()
System.out.println("Animal Drinking");

class Lion extends Animal // Child Class
void realKing()
System.out.println("I am Real King ");
class Tiger extends Lion
void king()
{System.out.println("I am King ");

class Test
public static void main(String args[])
Tiger T =new Tiger();  

3)Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance Example

class Animal
void eat()
System.out.println("Animal eating...");
class Lion extends Animal
void realKing()
System.out.println("I am Real King");
class Tiger extends Animal
void King()
System.out.println("I am King.");
class Test
public static void main(String args[])
Tiger T=new Tiger();  
//T.realKing();//Compile Time Error  

4)Multiple Inheritance  // not supported

Multiple Inheritaqnce 

Multiple Inheritance Example

class X
void  xyz()
System.out.println("India is great");}  
class Y
void xyz()
System.out.println("India is nice");}  
class Z extends X,Y
{//suppose if it were  
 public static void main(String args[])
   Z Test=new Z();  
   Test .xyz(); 

//Compile time Error
5) Hybrid Inheritance   // not supported

Hybrid Inheritance 

Hybrid Inheritance Example

Preventing Inheritance

Q: How to Prevent the inheritance in java ?
A: To prevent the inheritance follow the below step
You can prevent sub class creation by using final modifier.
If a class declared as final we can’t create sub class for that class.

final class A
class B extends A
compilation error:- cannot inherit from final Parent

Points to Remember about Inheritance

1)In java if we are extending the class then it will be parent class , if we are not extending the class then object class will become the default super class.
2)The root class of all java classes is “object” class.
3)Every java class contains parent class except object class.
4)In java every class is child class of object eitherdirectly (A) or indirectly (B,C).
5)Object class present in java.lang package and it contains 11 methods & all java classes able to use these 11 methods because Object class is root class of all java classes.
6)To check the predefined support use javap command.
    syntax:Javap full-class-name

Tags: Java inheritance , Inheritance type ,Inheritance concept, inheritance ,

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This article is contributed by Sandeep Yadav. 
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