Test Cases for TV Remote and How to Write Test Cases For Remote

Sample Test Cases for TV Remote 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write TV Remote Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are The Test Cases for TV Remote?

Here !! An important test case for a TV remote is given...

  • Check that all the buttons are present- 0 to 9, volume, channel up-down and other audio-video.
  • Check that the TV remote is operatable from distances up to 300m.
  • Check whether the Remote is made for a specific TV model or not means it should not operate any other model of TV.
  • Check the print on the button, it should be clear and in a standard format.
  • Check that the Remote Control works for a particular TV set model numbers only
  • Check that users can navigate to different single-digit and multi-digit channels.
  • Check that users can increase or decrease the volume.
  • Check that users can navigate up and down the channel using the channel up and down buttons.
  • Check that the functioning of audio-video and other auxiliary buttons
  • Check the maximum distance from the Television set up to which the remote works smoothly.
  • Check the button press event that triggers the functionality i.e.
  • Check the arc/different directions so the remote control works correctly.
  • Check the battery requirement of the remote control.
  • Check the material of the remote's body and its button.
  • Check the spacing between two buttons, the spacing between the two buttons should be.
  • Check that there should be a contrast between the button's colour and the remote's outer body colour.
  • Check the remote's functioning by pressing more than one button simultaneously.
  • Check that the font - style and size of the numbers and other information should be readable.
  • Check that on battery discharge, the remote should work normally on inserting new batteries.
  • Check the strength of the remote's outer body, if it works normally on dropping from a certain.
  • Check that any operation performed on the remote control while the TV is switched off should.

Hope!!! The above test cases for TV remotes are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test Case for Remote

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