Test Cases For Excel Import Functionality


Sample Test Scenarios For Import Functionality

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write import functionality Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are the Test Cases For Import Functionality? 

Here!!! Important Test Cases for import functionality are given...

  • First Download the Excel format (Download the sample Excel sheet to upload bulk data)
  • Now verify whether the column names are as per requirement or not.
  • Verify the Excel sheet name as per requirement or not.
  • Verify that the Excel sheet is password-protected.
  • Check that user is able to type for all columns or not.
  • Verify that when the user enters valid data in all the fields and tries to upload the Excel sheet.
  • Check that data are properly showing in all the field (on the webpage) or not.
  • Check that when the user edits the data uploaded from the Excel sheet are properly bound or displayed or not (text boxes, Dropdowns, Checkboxes, etc).
  • Check that when the user enters data only in the mandatory column and uploads Excel. 
  • Check that when the user enters data only in the non-mandatory field and tries to upload Excel. 
  • Verify that the alert message showing or not when the user enters data only in the non-mandatory field and tries to upload Excel
  • Verify whether the alert message showing as per requirement or not. 
  • Check that when the user enters data for one user and uploads.
  • Check that when the user enters data in mass and uploads the Excel sheet. 
  • Check that when trying to upload an Excel sheet without entering any data. 
  • Check that when the user tries to upload the Excel sheet by changing the file name. 
  • Check that when the user tries to upload the Excel sheet by changing the file name with a special character. 
  • Check that when the user tried to upload an Excel sheet by entering the invalid data in all columns. 
  • Verify that when users do not select any value from the dropdown column and try to upload. 
  • Check that when the user enters the numeric value in the column that accepts only the alphabet through the webpage. 
  • Check that when copying values and pasting them into an Excel sheet and trying to upload. 
  • Check the combination-paste value in one field manually enter the other and try to upload. 
  • Check that if preview options are working or not(if applicable) 
  • Check whether the count showing or not. 
  • Check if the row has any wrong value or user entered any wrong value when the user uploads showing in red colour or not. (If applicable) . 
  • Verify whether the confirmation message showing or not when a user successfully uploads the bulk data from the Excel sheet. 
  • Check that the confirmation message is as per the requirement met or not. 
  • Verify the control when the user successfully uploads the data. 
  • Check whether the data uploaded from the Excel sheet shows on grids or not. 
  • Verify the alert message when the user enters any wrong value in any column and the user tries to upload. 
  • Verify that the user is able to understand the mistake in the Excel sheet by getting an alert. 
  • Verify when the user selects an invalid extension file.
  • Verify the Size limit of the Excel sheet.
  • Check whether the alert message showing or not when the user selects an invalid extension file.
  • Check whether the alert message showing or not when the user selects a file more than the defined size.

Hope !!! The above Test cases for import functionality are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test Cases For Bulk Upload Functionality 

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