Test Cases For Optional Field


Sample Test Cases For Optional Field (Non Mandatory) 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to write optional Field Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are The Test Case For Non-Mandatory Fields?

Here!!! Some of the important Sample test Cases For Optional Fields are given...

  • First Check whether the Optional Field is active or not.
  • Check whether the user is able to perform the action or not If the text field is non-mandatory then the user is able to type or not if the Dropdown is a non-mandatory field then the user is able to select and unselect the value from the drop-down.
  • Check that when the user clicks on the save button by entering the value in all fields (Mandatory and Non-Mandatory fields)
  • Check that when the user clicks on the save button without entering data in non Mandatory field.
  • Check that when the User clicks on the save button enter the data only in the Non-Mandatory field.
  • Check that when a user enters the data in all the mandatory fields and selects nonmandatory fields.
  • Check that when the user saves the details by entering the data in mandatory and non-mandatory fields edit the details and update Some details in non-mandatory Fields. 
  • Verify the Optional Field when the user edits the details.
  • Check that when the user saves the details without making any changes in  Non-mandatory field.
  • Check that all the added data showing in non-mandatory fields or not when the user edits the details.

Hope!!! Avobe test cases of non-mandatory fields are helpful for you...


QA acharya

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Test Cases for Optional Field -Non-Mandatory Field

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