How Do You Write Test Cases for a Text Area?
Here!!! Important test cases for the text field are given...
Functional Test Cases
- First Verify the text area types.
- Verify that the text area is clickable or not.
- Check that by clicking on the text area, the cursor is blinking or not.
- Verify whether the user can type in the text area or not.
- Check whether the typed text is properly visible to the user or not.
- Verify the input type for the text box.
- Check that when the user types in the text box it is not allowed.
- Verify the validation message showing as per BRS.
- Verify that when the user type alphabet, Numeric and Special Char in the Text area.
- Check that the user can type in both Upper and Lower cases or not.
- Check the maximum text limit for the text area.
- Check the minimum text limit for the text area.
- Check whether the user can paste the content to text area or not.
- Verify whether the user can able to copy the content from the text area or not.
- Check the text box by entering the HTML Tag "<h1>QA acharya</h1>
- Check that when the user type Java script code "<script>alert(“QA acharya”)</script>"
UI Test Cases
Check the text area width and height.
Check the label and placeholder of the text area.
Check the validation error message.
Verify the font size and weight.
Hope!!! The above Test cases for the text area are helpful for you...
QA acharya
Test Cases For Text Area |