Test Cases For Registration Page | Signup Test Cases

Test Scenarios and Test Cases for Registration Page

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write manual test cases for the registration page? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

How to Write Test Cases for Registration Page?
Here!! Important test cases for registration Page given...

Functional test cases for registration page

  • Verify that the registration page has all the fields as per requirement. (First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile Address Etc.)
  • Verify that the user is able to sign up or register by entering the valid data in all the fields
  • Verify that the user is able to sign up by entering the valid data only in mandatory fields.
  • Verify the registration page by entering the data only in the non-mandatory field.
  • Verify the signup form by entering the invalid data in all the mandatory fields.
  • Verify that all the mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk symbol.
  • Verify the registration page by entering the data only in some mandatory fields.
  • Verify the registration page without entering any data in the fields.
  • Verify the alert message for all mandatory fields.
  • Verify the confirmation message when a user successfully signs up or registers.
  • Verify that all fields have a valid label and placeholder.
  • Verify that after clicking on cancel all the records get clear
  • Verify whether the keyboard tab button functionality working or not.
  • Verify that all fields on the registration page are blank on the first visit.

Non-Functional Test Cases

Performance Test Cases for the Registration Page 

  • Verify the response time of the registration page under normal load conditions.
  • Verify the response time of the registration page under huge load conditions.
  • Verify the time takes to submit a registration successfully.

UI Test Cases For Registration Page 

  • Verify the User friendliness of the registration page in terms of clarity and readability of the Element present.
  • Check that all the Elements are placed in sequence as per requirement.
  • Verify the Color of and Background colour and layout.
  • Check the Size of the Element (Button, Text Box, Dropdown etc.)
  • Check the alert and Popups message.
  • Check the Navigation.
  • Verify the tabbing.

Hope!! The above test case for the sign-up page is helpful for your...


QA acharya

Test Cases for Registration page

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