Bug life Cycle in Software Testing With Example

Defect Life Cycle In Software Testing With Example

What is the defect life Cycle?
In Software testing, a defect life cycle is also known as the bug life cycle 

 Flow of Bug Life Cycle

When the development team complete the development process successfully then they send the application to the Testing team for testing of the application, and the testing team starts testing the application, As soon as the testing team find a defect they prepare a defect report and send it to the development team and set the status as NEW . Then development lead goes through the defect report and understands the defect if the bug reported by the tester is valid then he assigns the defect to the developer who made that mistake and sets the status as ASSIGN. Then developer goes through the defect report to understand the defect if it valid bug he fixes it and sets the status as FIXED. if it is invalid then set the status REJECTED and send the defect report to the testing team, Now the testing team verify the defect reported by him if the defect is fixed then they set the status as CLOSED. if the bug is not fixed then they set the status as REOPEN and again send the defect report to the development team and the development Lead again go through the defect report and again assigns it to the developer who made that mistake and sets the status as REASSIGNED and the same process repeated until the bug has not fixed.

Bug Life Cycle Status
Following are the different Status of a bug in the bug life cycle

When the tester finds any new bug he reports the bug with the status " New"

The lead of the tester verifies and approves the bug reported by the tester assigns the same to the development team and changes the status to " Assign"

As soon as the developer fixes the bug reported by the testing team he /she sets the status as Fixed.

When the same tester or two different testers report the same bug multiple times the status is changed to "Duplicate"

Not a Defect 
When the tester reports any feature as a bug then the developer sets the status as "Not a defect"

Rfe-Request for Enhancement 
When the tester report any suggestion which mandatory for all application the status is changed to " RFE"

when a bug is reported with a low priority which can be fixed in the next phase then the status is changed to deferred. 

When a bug was not fixed the tester changed the status of the bug to "Reopen".

When the defect reported by the tester is not understandable or not available then the developer changes the status to " Rejected"

Once the tester reopens any bug when the team lead assigns the bug again to the development team the changed status to " Reassigned".

Once the bug got fixed and the tester verified from their end they changed the status to "Closed".

Hope !!! The above tutorial on bug life cycle with examples in software testing is helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Tags: defect life cycle in testing, defect life cycle with example, bug life cycle with example, stage of defect life cycle, Defect life cycle in software testing, Bug life cycle in software testing.

Bug Life cycle with example 


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