Agile Methodology Tutorial - Complete Guide For Beginners

           Agile Methodology Tutorial: Agile Model

What is Agile methodology?

It is an iterative and incremental Approach.
Iterative: Same process we are going to continue again and again multiple times.
Incremental: We will implement some features in the beginning and then we will keep on adding new modules to existing software.

Agile is a software development methodology that promotes the continued iteration of development and testing throughout the life cycle of a project. In agile Methodology development and testing of applications are concurrent unlike the waterfall and other testing models. Agile methodology is an iterative model using short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks.

Important terms used in Agile:
The list of important terms used in agile is listed below.
  • Scrum
  • Scrum master
  • Daily standup meeting
  • Sprint
  • Sprint day
  • Sprint backlog
  • Sprint Planning meeting
  • Sprint Review meeting
  • Sprint burndown/burnup 
  • User story
  • Epic
  • Backlog
  • Product Backlog
  • Story point
  • Product owner
  • Definition of Done(DOD)
  • Retrospect Meeting

What is the need for agile Methodology?
To overcome the problem which occurs in the traditional model agile methodology was introduced. Below are some basic benefits of agile methodology given 
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Transparency 
  • Early and predictable delivery 
  • predictable cost and schedule
  • Allow for changes
  • Focuses on business value
  • Focuses on users 
  • Quality Products
This agile tutorial helps you to understand the basic concept of agile, scrum testing. This is a guide for all beginners and intermediate and advanced programmers. The agile tutorial is also Known as the agile methodology tutorial.
What is Scrum in Agile? | Agile Scrum
Definition: In Agile scrum is a framework in which a group of people work together to reach a common goal with a different strategy. By using this methodology team members can build complex software.
Scrum and agile are not the same. Scrum is a framework used for continuous improvement, which is the foundation of agile.

Scrum Team | Scrum Role
An agile scrum team is a composition of 7 with + more or - 2 team members. All scrum teams work together to achieve the project requirements. Each and every member of the scrum team should be cross-functional.

In agile methodology, there are 3 scrum role 
  • Product owner (PO) 
  • Scrum Master (SM)
  • Development team  (Developer & Tester )
Product Owner (PO) 
In the agile model, a product owner acts as a bridge between the customer and the development team, the Product Owner is responsible for prioritizing product backlog and conducting sprint planning meetings.

Scrum Master (SM)
In agile scrum master represent both the testing and development team and the SM is responsible for conducting daily scrum meetings. Scrum Master acts as the bridge between the Product Owner and the Development team.

Development Team (Developer and Tester )
In the Agile model, the Development team is responsible for following all strategies provided by the scrum master, they are also responsible for daily sand-up/Scrum meetings.

What is a sprint in Agile?
An agile sprint means the effort spent and time taken by both the development team and testing team to develop and test a certain set of features within a given time. In other words, we can say that a sprint is a predefined time in which work has to be completed.

Sprint Days
sprint days in agile are the duration or no. of days within which a set of features has to be developed or tested Usually sprint duration is around 15-20 days.

What is Product Backlog in Agile? | Product Backlog
A product backlog is a list of prioritized features which is maintained by the product owner. In other words, we can say that a product backlog is a kind of bucket where all the user stories are kept and the product owner prioritizes it as per the business requirement. Product Backlog contains a short description of all the functionalities required in the product.

"Product owner responsible for converting and prioritizing backlog to product backlog".

Importance of product backlog 
importance of product backlog is listed below.
  • The product backlog contains all the user stories 
  • Product backlog helps in planning 

What is Sprint Backlog in Agile? | Sprint Backlog
A sprint backlog is a set of product backlog items selected for the sprint, as well as a plan for delivering the increment.

What are user stories in Agile? | User Stories 
In agile users, stories are nothing but short, simple descriptions of features or requirements written from the perspective of the end-user or customer. They follow the simple template as-(role-feature-benefit) pattern.

As a <User / type of user> I want to <Some target> To achieve <some reason>

What is Epic in Agile? | Epic 

Epic is a collection of user stories.

Scrum Process Framework

  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team (Dev+QA)
  • Product Backlog 
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Burndown Chart
  • Sprint Planning Meeting 
  • Sprint Review Meeting 
  • Retrospect Meeting
  • Daily Scrum Meeting

Agile Methodology Tutorial

Tags: Agile Methodology, Agile tutorial for beginners, Agile model, Agile technique, agile methodology in testing, Agile interview questions 

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