Test Cases For Water Bottle | Negative and Positive

Sample Test Cases For Water Bottle

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Water Bottle Test Cases? We will also learn about positive and Negative test cases.

How to write test cases for water bottle?

 Here !!! The important test cases for a bottle are given below...

  •  Verify the water holding capacity of the bottle as per specifications.
  • Verify the Color of the Water Bottle is as per the specification
  • Verify whether the user is able to pour the water into the bottle easily or not.
  • Verify the shape and size of the bottle according to SRS.
  • Verify the bottom surface of the bottle and also verify that the bottle can be placed properly on the surface.
  • Verify whether the cap is fixed to the bottle properly or not.
  • Verify that we can hold the bottle easily.
  • Verify the Material used in the making of bottles, Plastic, steel..etc
  • Verify the Conditions of bottles at different temperatures.
  • Verify the bottle Condition in the freezer.
  • Verify the Weight of the bottle as per SRS.
  • Verify whether the bottle has a sipper or not.
  • Verify the bottle's condition with hot water and cold water.
  • Verify the leakage through the cap after closing the bottle with water.
  • Verify the brand name and logo in the Bottle.
  • Verify the Conditions of bottles at different temperatures.
  • Verify the bottle Condition in the freezer.

Negative test cases for water bottle

Hope !!! The Above functional Test Cases for Water bottle are Helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Test Cases For The Water Bottle

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