Test Cases For Link and How to Write Test Cases For Link

Sample Test Cases For Link
Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write link Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are The Test Cases for Link?

  • Tooltip text should be available and meaningful.
  •  Check whether all external links are opening in a new window with the proper URL
  • Test all internal links are navigating within the application as per requirement
  •  Test links jumping on the same pages
  •  Check whether the email address link opening the mail instance like outlook
  • Test to check if there are any blank pages to link
  • Test Links opening in other tabs/windows as per requirement
  • Compatibility Testing for all links on another browser
  • Ensure that color of links changes after the page is visited once. (This can vary as per the design).
  • .Ensure that the link color is as per the specification.
  • Ensure that a hand icon is displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the link.
  •  Check loading time for internal links as per requirement
  • Check whether the shared link is getting shared properly with the correct address
  • Check whether the shared link is getting opened properly

Hope !!! The Above Test Cases For Links are Helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test cases for link

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