Regression Testing in Software Testing With Example

Regression Testing With Example in Software Testing

What is Regression Testing?
Regression Testing is a type of software testing. Regression testing is defined as the testing of the application to make sure that  it is not affected by the changes In other words we can say that testing the existing functionalities of the application just makes sure that the application is not affected by new changes (Here changes Could be the addition of new feature, Removal of feature, bug fixes,...etc)
"Re-execution of test cases also known as the regression testing"

When to do Regression Testing?

Regression testing comes into the picture when
  • Addition of new feature -When there is any addition of a new feature in an existing application.
  • Removal of old feature - When removing any feature from the application.
  • Bug fixes- when the developer fixes the bug.
Types of Regression Testing 
Regression testing is divided into 3 parts which are given below

1. Unit Regression Testing

Unit regression testing is a type of regression testing that is executed during unit testing, Test the code as a single unit. unit regression testing Mostly conducted in isolation,  focused on the coding unit and all the dependencies and interactions are will be blocked at the time of the test.

2. Regional Regression Testing 
Regional regression testing is also known as partial regression testing. Partial regression testing is done to test issues when new code is added to already existing code. The idea behind partial regression testing is to make sure that a system is performing as it is supposed to be after the addition of new code.

3. Full Regression Testing
Full regression testing is defined as testing the impacted and unimpacted areas of the application.
In this testing we test the entire module just to verify whether it is affected by changes, when there are lots of changes done in the module then we do full regression is also known as complete regression testing.

Process of doing Regression Testing

Reset All

In this method, the entire test cases are re-executed just to ensure that the changes in code have not affected the existing application. This method is too expensive it requires more effort, resources, and time.

Regression Test Selection
In this method, Selected test cases from the test suite are to be re-executed only.
instead of re-executing all the test suites just re-execute the selected test case.
In the method selected test cases are divided into two-part

  • Reusable test cases - Can be used in future regression cycles.
  • Obsolete test cases- Can't be used in future regression cycles.

Prioritization of Test Cases

In this method, all the test cases are prioritized on the basis of impact on the product and it is critical the test cases with high priority are executed first and then the test case with low and medium priorities are executed. 

Selection of Test Suite for Regression Testing

  • Select the Test cases that have frequent defects.
  • Select all the integration test cases.
  • Select all the complex test cases.
  • Select all the boundary value test cases.
  • Select modification traversing test cases.
  • Select higher-priority test cases.
  • Select the Functionalities which are more visible to the users.
  • Tests are selected to include the area, that has undergone code changes many a time.
Tools for Regression Testing 
The most popular tool for regression testing is given below
  1. Ranorex Studio
  2. Selenium
  3. Katalon Studio
  4. Testimony
  5. TestComplete
  6. Digivante
  7. Sahi Pro
  8. TimeShiftX
  9. TestDrive
  10. Watir
  11. IBM Ra­­­­tional Functional Tester
Note: These are the popular tools used by professionals there are many other tools available in the market.

Advantages of Regression Testing
  • Test coverage
  • Regression testing helps to improve the performance of the application.
  • Regression testing helps to Improve the Quality of the application. 
  • Regression testing can be done by using an automation tool
  • It helps make sure that the same issue does not occur again once it is fixed.  
  • it also helps to make sure that the new changes do not affect the existing ones.

Disadvantage of Regression Testing

  • Time-Consuming process.
  • Manually, It takes a lot of effort. 
  • Regression testing has to be done for small changes in code.

Points to remember about Regression Testing:

  • Regression testing is done by a test engineer only.
  • Regression testing helps to improve the performance of the application.
  • Regression testing helps to Improve the Quality of the application. 
  • Re-execution of test cases also known as the regression testing
  • Regression testing is defined as testing the application to make sure that  it is not affected by the changes

Hope!!! The Above Tutorial on Regression Testing with examples is helpful for You...

QA acharya

Regression testing in Software Testing with example

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