Test Cases For Edit Functionality

Sample Test Case For Edit Functionality 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write Edit Functionality Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

How to write test cases for edit button?
Here !! Important edit test cases are given...

  • Check whether the icon name shows or not when the user hovers the mouse on the edit icon.
  • Check whether the page redirects to the edit page or not when the user clicks on the edit icon / Button.
  • Check that by default all the added records showing in all the fields or not.
  • Check that the user is able to edit the record by entering the valid data.
  • Check that the user is able to edit the non-editable field.
  • Check the functionality of the reset button when the user edits the page.
  • Check that when the user tries to update the invalid data 
  • Check that when the user clicks on the update button without doing any modification.
  • Check the alert message for all the mandatory fields, when the user leaves the field blank.
  • Verify the alert message when the user tries to update the invalid record
  • Check the confirmation message When the user updates the record successfully.
  • Check whether the updated record is showing in the manage screen table or not.
  • Check whether the page redirects to the manage screen or not when clicking on the update button.

Hope !!! The above edit functionality test cases are helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Test cases for edit functionality 

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  1. Hi I have a doubt in the section.There is a mandatory field "Category" and i gave a value ="color".On editing the field,I made the field blank.Then i clicked the Save button.An alert mesg "This field is mandatory" is displayed but the doubt is the previous data ie "color" is displayed in the field. is this correct or the field should be shown blank with the warning mesg displayed?Pls Help me out

    1. it depends on requirement ,
      But mostly field shows blank until the user update new or same data for field .
