Test Cases in Software Testing

What is Test Cases?
Test cases are documents that contain all the possible scenarios against the requirement. A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester determines whether the software satisfies the customer's requirements and functions accordingly.

Component of Software Testing
  • Test Case ID: For test coverage and management we gave a unique Id for each test case.
  • Test Scenario: What we have to test.
  • Test Case Description: How we have to test in detail.
  • Test Steps: Steps which we follow. 
  • Test Data: what data we are going to use to test the requirement.
  • Expected Result: The result which we expect 
  • Actual Result: The result that we get 
  • Status: Pass/ Fail
  • Environment Information: OS/ Browser / Platform
  • Comments: Comment 
Note: Test Cases templates vary from company to company all the company has their own standard templates but some point is common for all. 

Why do We write the Test Cases?
  • Tracking test coverage 
  • Maintain consistency 
  • Reusability
  • Easy to Automate 
  • To improve quality 
Uses of Test Cases 
The use of test cases is given below.
  • To have test consistency in test execution.
  • To avoid training on the product for a newly joined QA engineer test cases help to understand the product.
  • Test cases act as proof for the customer and manager that we have covered all the possible scenarios for each and every requirement.
  • Test cases act as the base document for the preparation of the automation script. 

Who writes Test Cases?
Generally, QA team writes the test cases.

When QA team write the Test Cases? 
When the development team develops the product then the testing team writes the test cases 

How to write manual Test Cases?

Below we are going to write test cases for the login page and try to understand how we write the test cases for the real-time projects.

Hope!!! Above tutorial on Test Cases in software Testing is helpful for you...

QA acharya

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