Daily Standup Meeting in Agile methodology

Daily Standup Meeting in Agile Model 

What is a Daily stand-up Meeting?
Daily standup meetings are one of the fundamental parts of Agile, In which each day all the member of the Agile team meets so as to bring everyone up to date on the information that is vital for co-ordination, It not only provides a forum for regular updates but also brings the problems of team members into focus so that it can be quickly addressed.
daily stand up meeting in agile
  • Daily standup meetings are held at the same time for roughly 15 min .it is a daily Status meeting among all Agile team members.
  • Every member has to answer three questions in this standup meeting.
What To Say In A Standup Meeting?
  1. What I did do Yesterday?
  2. What I will do today?
  3. Any issue / Difficulties 
  • Basically, daily standup meetings are held for status updates, Not for any kind of discussion.
  • In Daily standup meetings, team members usually stand instead of sitting.
Who Attends Daily Standup Meeting?
  1. Scrum Master 
  2. Product Owner 
  3. Delivery team.
  • The main participants for the daily standup meeting are -the Scrum master, product owner, and delivery team attend the daily standup meeting regularly.
  • The Scrum master is responsible for taking queries from each and every member and the problem they are facing.
Fig: Daily Standup Meeting 

Benefits of Daily Standup Meeting?
The benefits of conducting daily stand-up meetings are as follows.
  • The team can evaluate the progress of the project on a daily basis.
  • It provides visibility to a team member if the project gets delayed.
  • It provides the daily status of the task, epic, stories, bugs etc.

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