Test Cases For TV / Television and How to Write Test Cases For TV

Sample Test Cases for Television 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write TV Test Cases? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What Are The Test Cases for TV?
Here !!! Important test cases for TV given ...

  • Verify the Type of TV - Smart TV or Normal TV.
  • Verify the technology of the TV whether it is LED TV or LCD TV.
  • Verify the Specification of TV - Length, width, height, etc.
  • Verify whether the Screen size is as per requirement or not.
  • Verify the Menu button on the TV. 
  • Check whether the functionality of the TV button working fine or not.
  • Verify that the Indication on TV button is properly visible and understandable or not.
  • Verify that the user is able to adjust the TV colour etc..by button or not.
  • Verify whether the company logo is as per specification or not.
  • Check the document, manual etc as per brand or not.
  • Check the material used for the outer body of the TV.
  • Check whether the TV gets on or not when the user plugs in the tv to switch and presses the power button on the tv.
  • Check whether the TV gets off or not when the user removes the power plug.
  • Verify whether the Resolution of the TV is per specification or not.
  • Check whether the TV audio sounds properly or not.
  • Verify whether the user is able to operate the TV with a remote or not.
  • Verify that the user is able to operate the TV by remote in a specified range.

Hope !!! The Above test cases for TV are helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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Test Cases For TV

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  1. Thank you so much! In my last interview I got a question))
    How to write test cases for "How to brush your teeth?"
    Can you give your answer for this question please?

    1. Hi ANA,
      Thank you for your valuable comment.our team will update your requirement ASAP.

      QA acharya
