Static and Dynamic Testing in Software Testing With Example , Definition , Difference

Static and Dynamic Testing in Software Testing 

What is Static Testing?

Static testing is defined as finding the bug without executing the source code is known as the static testing. Static testing is also called verification.
Static testing is a process in which it manually checks the code, CRS document (customer requirement Specification document ), and design document to find the bugs.

The main of doing static testing is to improve the quality of the application by finding the bugs in the early stage of software development.

Static Testing Technique
In software testing, there are 4 types of techniques available which are listed below.
  • Informal review
  • Technical review
  • Walkthrough
  • Inspection
  • Code review
What is Dynamic Testing
Dynamic testing is defined as the ' Process of finding the bug by executing the code, In dynamic testing we check the functional behaviour of software. Dynamic testing is also known as validation.
The main aim of doing dynamic testing is to confirm whether the behaviour of the application meets customer requirements or not.

Dynamic Testing Technique 

  • Unit Testing 
  • Integration Testing 
  • System testing 

Difference Between Static Testing and Dynamic Testing 

Static:     No need to execute the code.
Dynamic: Need to execute the code. 

Static:        Static testing is process-oriented.

Dynamic: Dynamic testing is product oriented.

Static:        It focuses on the process used to develop a product.

Dynamic : It focuses on testing the developed product.

Static:        Also Called Verification.
Dynamic: Also Called Validation.

Static:     Static testing does the verification process
Dynamic: it does the validation process.

Static:     We do static testing to prevent defects.
Dynamic: We do the dynamic testing to find the defects 

Static:     It involves a walkthrough, inspection and review.
Dynamic: It involves actual testing.

Hope!!! The above tutorial on the difference between dynamic and static testing is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Difference Between static and dynamic testing

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