Dynamic Testing in Software Testing With Example

Dynamic Testing With Example 

Dynamic Testing
Dynamic testing is defined as the ' Process of finding the bug by executing the code, In dynamic testing, we check the functional behaviour of the software. Dynamic testing is also known as validation.
The main aim of doing the dynamic testing is to confirm whether the behaviour of the application meets customer requirements or not.

Dynamic testing is a type of software testing that involves executing the software under test with real input data and observing its behaviour and performance. This type of testing is often done manually or with the help of automated testing tools.

Example of Dynamic Testing 
Here's an example of dynamic testing:

Suppose you are testing a calculator application, and you need to verify that the application correctly performs arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

To perform dynamic testing, you would follow these steps:
  • Input the values of two numbers into the calculator.
  • Click the "+" button to perform addition.
  • Verify that the result displayed by the calculator is correct by manually calculating the result or by comparing it to the result obtained from another calculator or by using a test case.
  • Repeat the same steps for other arithmetic operations such as subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • If the application passes all the test cases, you can conclude that it works correctly for the tested inputs. If it fails any of the test cases, you can identify the issue and report it to the development team for fixing.

Overall, dynamic testing is a crucial part of the software testing process as it helps ensure the reliability, functionality, and quality of the software product.

Dynamic Testing Technique 

Dynamic testing is a technique used in software testing to evaluate the behavior of a software system while it is running. Unlike static testing, which analyzes the source code and other artifacts without executing them, dynamic testing requires the software to be executed to evaluate its functionality.

There are several dynamic testing techniques that can be used, including:

Unit Testing: Unit testing is a technique that tests individual software components or modules in isolation from the rest of the system. It is typically performed by developers and is focused on ensuring that each unit of code performs as intended.

Integration Testing: Integration testing is a technique that tests the interaction between different software components or modules. It is performed after unit testing and is focused on verifying that the components can work together seamlessly.

System Testing: System testing is a technique that tests the entire system as a whole. It is performed after integration testing and is focused on verifying that the system meets its functional and non-functional requirements.

Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is a technique that tests whether the software system meets the requirements of the stakeholders. It is typically performed by the end-users or customers of the system.

Regression Testing: Regression testing is a technique that is used to verify that changes or enhancements to the software system do not introduce new defects or regressions into the system.

Hope!!! Above Tutorial on Dynamic Testing in Software Testing is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Dynamic Testing in Software Testing With Example 

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