Static Testing in Software Testing With Example

Static Testing in Software Testing With Example 

What is Static Testing?
Static testing is a software testing technique that involves reviewing or analyzing the software documentation, code, or other artefacts without executing the code. This technique is also known as "non-execution testing" or "verification testing."

Static testing can be performed on different levels of software development, such as requirement specification, design documents, code, test cases, and other artifacts. This technique can be done manually or using automated tools.

Objective of Static Testing 

The main objective of static testing is to identify defects, errors, or ambiguities in the software documentation or code early in the software development life cycle. This technique helps to reduce the cost of fixing defects and ensures the quality of the software product.

Some common examples of static testing include code reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, and peer reviews. Static testing can be performed by developers, testers, business analysts, or other stakeholders involved in the software development process.

Static Testing Example 
Here's an example of static testing:

Suppose a team is developing an e-commerce website. Before starting the coding process, the team can perform static testing on the requirements documents to ensure that they are complete, consistent, and unambiguous. They can also check if the requirements are testable and meet the customer's needs.

During the static testing of the requirements, the team may identify some issues such as missing requirements, unclear definitions, or contradictory statements. By addressing these issues at an early stage, the team can avoid costly rework and ensure that the final product meets the customer's expectations.

Another example of static testing is code review. After the coding phase, the team can review the source code to find defects, improve the code quality, and ensure that it adheres to coding standards. The code review can be done manually or using automated tools. The team can identify issues such as syntax errors, logical errors, or security vulnerabilities. By fixing these issues early, the team can avoid potential bugs and improve the overall reliability of the software product.

Static Testing Technique
Here are some common static testing techniques in software testing

Code Reviews: This technique involves reviewing the code to identify defects such as coding errors, syntax errors, and logical errors. Code reviews can be done manually or with the help of automated tools.

Walkthroughs: In this technique, a group of people walk through the software artifacts, such as requirements, design documents, and code, to identify defects, inconsistencies, and potential issues.

Inspections: Inspections are a more formalized and structured approach to code reviews. A team of reviewers examines the software artifacts to identify defects and improve the quality of the software.

Peer Reviews: Peer reviews involve developers reviewing each other's code to identify defects and improve the quality of the software.

Static Analysis: Static analysis tools are used to analyze the software code and identify defects such as security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and coding errors. These tools can be integrated into the development process to catch defects early in the development process.

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Static Testing in Software Testing With Example 

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