Functional Testing in Software Testing With Example

Functional Testing in Software Testing

FUNCTIONAL TESTING is a type of software testing in which we test the feature /Functionality of the system /software against the requirement /specification. The main of Functional Testing is to test each and every function of the application by entering the appropriate inputs and verifying the actual result against the requirement.

"Functional Testing is a type of black box testing in which tester the verify the function of application by providing the appropriate inputs."

Functional Testing is mainly black box testing and it does not care about the internal source code of the application.

Types Of Functional Testing
 The various functional testing type is given below.
  • Unit Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Localization Testing
  • Interface Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • System Testing
  • Regression Testing...and more

What do we test in functional Testing?
  • In functional testing test, engineers test the functionality of the application against the requirement.
  • Functional Testing deals with the main function of the application.
  • Functional testing is used to check the error conditions.
  • Functional Testing is used to check the accessibility of the system to the user.
  • Functional testing is used to check the basic usability of the application.

How to Perform the Functional Testing?
By Following the below steps we perform the functional testing.

  • Understand the Software Requirements
  • Identify test input (test data)
  • preparing test cases with expected result
  • Execute test cases
  • Comparison of actual result and expected result

Tools For Functional Testing
 A list of the functional testing tool is given below.
  •  Ranorex
  • QASource for functional test services
  • Selenium
  • QTP
  • Junit
  • Loadrunner
  • SoapUI
  • TestComplete

Hope !!! The above tutorial on Functional Testing in Software Testing With Example is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Functional Testing With Example 

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