Compatibility Testing In Software Testing With Example

What is Compatibility Testing?

Compatibility testing is a type of software testing in which test engineers test the application in different environments (Hardware, Operating System, Mobile device, Browser )  just to verify whether all the functionalities of the application working as expected in all the different environments or not.

Compatibility testing is non-function testing.

Compatibility Testing with example

Why do we do Compatibility Testing?

There are various reasons for doing compatibility testing let's try to understand with the below example

 If the development team develops the software for one Platform and the testing team also tests the application for the same platform and when the end user starts using the application there might be the chance, They use the application in a different environment and some of the features may not be worked on their environment. 
Just to avoid these kinds of defects testers do compatibility testing.

Compatibility Testing Types
The various types of compatibility testing are given below...
  • Browser 
  • Hardware 
  • Software
  • Network
  • Version
  • Device(mobile)
  • OS (Operating System)
compatibility testing types


In Browser testing, we just verify whether the website works the same in all browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.

Hardware :
In this, we just verify that the application compatible with a different configuration.

Software :
it checks the behavior of developed software with other software.

Network :
In this type of testing, we test the application for a different network like Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G to verify the compatibility of the application.

Device :
In this, we test the application in different mobile devices and their different plate forms like Windows, Android, and iOS.

Operating System :
In this, we test the application in a different operating system like Linux, Windows 7,8,8.1, etc., Mac.

Version :
In this, we verify whether the application is compatible with different versions of software or not.

There are two types of version checking.
1) Backward compatibility testing
2) forward compatibility testing.

1) Backward compatibility testing is performed to verify the behavior of the application with the old version.

2) Forward compatibility testing perform to verify the behavior of the application with the new version.

Forward and backward compatibility testing 

When To Do Compatibility Testing?
When the application becomes stable in the base platform then we go for the other platform.

What Kind of defect do we get while performing compatibility testing?
  • Scatted Content 
  • Object Overlapping 
  • The difference in font, size, colour, ...etc
  • Scrollbar issue
  • Alignment 
  • image format

What do we need to check during compatibility testing?
While performing the compatibility testing Tester has to check the point

Compatibility Testing Check List-
1) CSS Validation
2) HTML validation
3) Font size Validation
4) Layout of the page's in different resolutions
5) All images and alignments
6) Header and Footer section
7)Page style
8) Date Formats
9) Page zoom-in and zoom-out functionality
10) Ajax and J query 
Testers have to perform all the above tests on different operating systems like Windows Linux, and Mac, and different browsers like IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera or as per customer requirements.

Compatibility Testing Tools
There is various list of tools available in the market to do compatibility testing some of those are listed below.

1) Lambada Test
2) Mabl
3) Ghostlab 
4) Browsers' hot
5) IE Netrender
6) IE Tab
7) Cross Browser Testing
8) Super Preview

What is compatibility?
Software compatibility is defined as the ability to live and work together with the same setup without any problems.
For eg. If any application is compatible it should work the same for all the platforms.

Hope !!! The above tutorial Compatibility Testing with Example is helpful for you...

QA acharya

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