Software Testing Interview Question and Answer for Fresher and Experienced


Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answers for Experience & Freshers

In this article, we are going to see software testing interview questions. We have compiled a list of the most asked software testing interview questions and answers for freshers.

Manual Testing Interview Question for freshers.
A list of the most frequently asked testing interview questions for freshers and experienced are listed below.

  • What is software Testing?
Software testing is a process to check whether the developed product matches the expected product or not and to ensure that the product is bug-free.
The advantage of testing includes reducing development, and costs, preventing bugs and improving performance. And the main objective of software testing is to identify the defect.

  • Why Software testing is necessary?
Software testing is necessary because 

  • What is the defect, Bug, or Failure?
Defect- A defect in software testing define as a "deviation between actual result and expected result or an error found by the tester is called as the defect. 

Bug - When the developer accepts the defect reported by the tester then is said a bug.

Failure - When a defect is reached by the end user then it is called the failure 
  • What is the level of testing?
There are four levels of testing which are listed below 
  1. Unit Testing 
  2. Integration Testing 
  3. System Testing 
  4. Acceptance Testing 
  • What are the different testing models?
Software testing Models-
  1. Waterfall model 
  2. Spiral Model
  3. Prototype Model 
  4. V Model 
  5. Agile Model 
  • What are the different testing types?
Different types of testing in software testing 
1-Functional Testing 
  • Unit Testing 
  • Integration Testing
  • System Testing 
  • Sanity Testing 
  • Smoke Testing 
  • Interface Testing 
  • Regression Testing 
  • Beta/Acceptance Testing
2- Non-Functional Testing 
  • Performance Testing 
  • Load Testing 
  • Stress Testing 
  • Volume Testing 
  • Security Testing 
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Install Testing 
  • Recovery Testing
  •  Reliability Testing
  •  Usability Testing
  •  Compliance Testing
  •  Localization Testing

  • What are the different methods of testing?
There are three different methods of testing -
  • White box testing 
  • Black box testing 
  • Gray Box testing 

  • What is white box testing and what are the different types of white box testing?
White box testing in software testing involves the selection of test cases based on an analysis of the internal structure of a component or system here internal structure means ((Code coverage, branches coverage, paths coverage, condition coverage, etc.) white box testing is also called as the glass box, Structural testing, Code-based testing, program testing )
  • What are the different white-box testing techniques or types?
Different types of white box testing techniques are given below-
  • Statement coverage 
  • Decision coverage 
  • Path coverage

  • What is Black box Testing and what are the different black box techniques?
Black box testing in software testing is defined as "Verifying the functionality of software or application against the requirement specification. Or testing the application without knowing the internal structure of the code or program.
different testing techniques are as follows -
  • Equivalence Partitioning 
  • Boundary value analysis 
  • Error guessing 
  • What is Positive Testing in software testing?
Positive testing in software testing is defined as the " Testing of the field or component with valid data is known as the positive testing ".

  • What is Negative Testing in software testing?
Negative Testing in software testing is defined as the " Testing of the field or component with invalid data or negative data is known as the negative testing "

  • What is Exhaustive Testing or Over Testing in software testing?
Exhaustive Testing in software testing is defined as " Testing the component or field with scenarios which are repeated or testing with scenarios which are not making any sense is called as the Exhaustive Testing.
  • What is under Testing in software Testing ?
Testing in software testing is defined as the " Testing of component or application with a set of scenarios which are not enough is called as the under Testing ".
  • What is component Testing or Module Testing in Software Testing?
Component testing in software testing is defined as the testing of "Testing of each and every component individually without integrating with other component is called as component testing.
Component testing is also known as Module Testing or Program Testing.
  • What is unit testing?
In software testing, unit testing is defined as the  "Testing of each unit or an individual component of the application the main purpose of doing unit testing is to test the correctness of isolated code. it is the first level of functional testing. Generally, unit testing performs by the developers but in certain scenarios QA also performs unit testing.
  • What is integration Testing?
Integration testing in software testing is defined as the " Testing the data flow between two or more modules is called as integration testing ".
Integration testing is performed after unit testing by the QA team.

  • What are the different types of integration Testing?
In software testing, there are two types of integration testing
1-Incremental integration testing 
  • Top-Down Approach
  • Bottom-Up Approach
2- Non- Incremental integration testing (Big Bang)

  • What is System Testing?
System testing in software testing is defined as " System testing is an end to end testing where we navigate through all the features and check whether the application working as a specified requirement or not.

  • What is Smoke Testing in Software Testing? 
Smoke testing is defined as the "Testing basic and critical features of the application before doing thorough testing is called as the smoke testing. The main purpose of doing smoke testing is to check whether the application is testable or not.
Smoke Testing is also known as dry run testing or Build verification testing.
  • What is ad-hoc testing?
Ad-hoc testing in software testing is defined as the " Testing application randomly without referring any kind of formal document like test cases, Test scenarios. The main purpose of doing ad-hoc testing is to break the application and increase the test coverage.
Ad hoc testing should perform when all testing is over.
  • What is Compatibility Testing?
Compatibility Testing in software testing is defined as " Testing the application in different software and hardware environment to check whether all features are correctly working or not in different platforms.
  • What is Regression Testing? 
Regression testing is defined as "Testing the unchanged feature of an application to make sure that it is not getting affected by changes. The re-Execution of test cases is also called regression testing.

  • What is usability Testing?
Usability testing is defined as the testing of the user-friendliness of an application is called as the usability testing here user-friendliness means - Look and feel, easy to understand, feature-rich, and simple to operate.

  • What are the phases involved in Software Development Life Cycle?
Different phases of SDLC
  • Requirement Collection 
  • Analysis 
  • Design 
  • Coding 
  • Testing 
  • Installation 
  • Maintenance  
  • What are the phases involved in Software Testing Life Cycle?
Phase of STLC
  • Analysis of requirement 
  • Test Planning 
  • Test Cases Development 
  • traceability matrix
  • Test Cases Execution 
  • Defect Tracking 
  • Test Execution report 
  • Retrospect meeting 

  • What is the difference between SDLC and STLC?
SDLC deals with the coding and development of applications whereas testing deals with the verification and validation of applications.
STLC is a part of SDLC.
  • When should testing be stopped?
Some of the basic criteria are based on which you can stop testing.
  • Deadlines are about to expire.
  • Budget 
  • Test Cases percentages 
  • Bug rate 
  • When requirements met to the specified point 
  • after the end of alpha and beta testing 

  • What is the severity?
Severity means the impact of a defect on the application or customer business.
level of severity - Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor 

  • What is the priority?
Which bug we are going to fix first, how soon we are going to fix and the order in which we are going to fix it.
Level of priority - Showstopper, High, Medium, Low. 
  • What is static Testing?
Static testing is a type of testing defined as " Without execution (By using software documentation) of application finding the bug is called as static testing. it is a kind of verification process.
  • What is Dynamic Testing?
Dynamic testing is a type of software testing and it is defined as " For the execution of the application is called Dynamic testing ". it is a kind of validation process .

Hope !!! The above tutorial on Software testing and interview questions is helpful for you...

QA acharya

Tags: Manual testing Interview Questions for Freshers, Software Testing Interview Questions for experienced, Software Testing Interview Questions and Answers for freshers, Scenario-based software testing interview questions and Answers for experienced PDF, Top 10 manual testing Interview Questions for experienced

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