Test Plan in Software Testing - How to Create a Test Plan For Software Testing


Test Plan in Software Testing With Example 

What Is a Test Plan?

A test plan in software testing is a document that contains the Scope, test strategy, objectives, schedule of intended testing activities, estimation, deliverables, and resources (Software, Hardware, and Human Resources) required to perform testing. A test plan is the base of software that helps to determine the test effort to validate the quality of the product under test. The Test Plan works as a blueprint during the testing of the application. A test plan was developed during the early phase of the project.

The test Plan contains the following information 
  • The objective of the testing effort 
  • Testing Approaches - How Testing Will Conducted
  • Testing Areas - Feature, Component to be tested 
  • Schedule - Times estimation 
  • Resource  - Hardware-software and Human Resources 

Types of Test Plans 
In Software testing, test plans are divided into 3 part 
  • Master Test Plan 
  • Phase Test Plan 
  • Specific Test Plan

How to Write a Test Plan 
The creation of a test plan is the most important and Responsible task of the test management process it is the main document of an entire testing process known as the "Project Test Plan " Or " Master Test Plan ". As per IEEE 892 below are seven steps to be followed during the creation of the test plan.
  • Understand and Analyze the Application 
  • Prepare the Test Strategy 
  • Define the Test Objectives 
  • Define Test Criteria 
  • Resource Planning Plan (Hardware, software, and Human )
  • Test Environment ( Hardware and software )
  • Schedule & Estimation 
  • Determine Test Deliverables
Component of Test Plan
The major Component of the Test Plan is given below 
  • Objective 
  • Scope 
  • Approach
  • Testing Methodology
  • Roles and Responsbility
  • Schedule
  • Test Environment
  • Defect Tracking
  • Entry and Exit Criteria 
  • Deliverable 

How do you create a test plan for software testing?


Hope !!! The above Tutorial on "Test Plan in Software Testing " is helpful for you ...

QA acharya

Test Plan In Software Testing 

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