Test Cases For Session Timeout

Sample Test Cases For Session Timeout 

Hello Folks, 

In this tutorial, we will learn how to write test cases for session timeout? We will also learn about positive test scenarios and Negative test scenarios.

What is session Timeout?
Session timeout represents the event occurring when a user does not perform any action on a website during an interval (defined by a web server).

What are the Test Cases For Timeout?

Here!!! Important Test Scenarios for Session Timeout are given...

  • First, know the time defined for session time out. (For example 20 min)
  • Now open the application. 
  • Verify that the user system logout the user and redirects to the login page when the system is idle for a time more than the session time specified in the code. (20 min)
  • Verify that when the user performs any action after leaving the system idle for more than the session time specified. 
  • Check that the system redirects the user to a valid page or not after session time out.
  • Check the session of all tabs gets out or not if multiple browser windows open for the same application.
  • Verify the session when the user login first. Now login again and Check the SessionID again. (compare both session-id)
  • For every time login, session ID Sessionid should be unique.
  • Verify the alert message when the session is timeout.

How to Test Session Timeout?
Follow the below steps to test the session timeout of the application.

Step-1 First open the Application.
Step-2 Login With a Valid username and password.
Step-3 Put the application idle for more than the session time specified in the code.
Step-4 Now Refresh the page or perform any action.
Step-5 Verify the page. The user should log out.

Session Timeout Management

Hope!!! The above Test Cases for Session Timeout are helpful for you...

QA acharya

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Test Cases For Session Timeout

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  1. Can you please add more test cases on Session timeout testing .

    1. Thank You !!
      For Your Valuable Comment .
      Our team Will update more test cases on session time soon.

      QA acharya

  2. Nice Explanation !!! Please Add test cases for session management.

    1. Thank You !!
      For Your Valuable Comment .
      Our team Will update more test cases on session time soon.

      QA acharya
