Integration Testing In Software Testing with Example

Integration Testing In Software Testing 

Integration Testing with example

What is Integration Testing?

Integration testing is a type of testing in which we test the data flow between two or more modules. integration testing is a level of testing where single units are combined and tested as a group. The main aim of integration testing is to find the defect when modules are integrated into each other and tested as a group. once all the module has been unit tested then the integration testing comes into the picture.
Integration testing with Example

When To Do Integration Testing?
In software testing integration testing is performed after the unit testing and before the system testing, it is the second level of testing.

Who Performs The Integration Testing?

In software testing, integration testing is generally performed by the independent testing team.

Integration testing Level

Integration Testing Types or Approaches 
There are two types of integration testing which are listed below 

1) Incremental integration testing.
2) Non-Incremental integration testing.

1) Incremental integration testing :
Incremental integration testing is a type of integration testing where we incrementally add the modules and test the data flow. this is also called sandwich testing, there are two types of incremental integration testing.

1) Top-down approach.
2) Bottom-up approach. 

1) Top-down Approach : 
The top-down approach is a type of incremental integration testing in which incrementally adding the modules checks the data flow from the parent module to the child module.
eg: Signup ->Login-> home page ......

Top-down approach 

2)Bottom-up Approach :
The top-down approach is a type of incremental integration testing in which incrementally add the modules and checks the data flow from the child module to the parent module.

bottom-up Approach

2) Non Incremental Integration Testing (Big Bang Approach)
In this type of testing, all the modules are combined together and tested. It is a type of integration testing where we can not determine which is the parent module and which is the child module because all the modules are is also called the big bang approach.

 What is Stub?
A stub is a dummy module that is used to perform some specific is used just for sending and receiving data also it can not be used for business. A stub is used in a bottom-up approach.

What is a Driver?
Driver acts as an interface between the actual module and dummy module .driver is a piece of code through which other modules can be called. In the bottom-up approach, the driver is used.

Hope !!! The above tutorial on Integration testing with examples is helpful for you ...

QA acharya

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