System Testing In Software Testing with Example

System Testing With Example In Software Testing

What Is System Testing?

System testing is an end-to-end testing process that validates the complete and fully integrated software product. system testing is a level of testing where the testing environment is similar to the production environment. The purpose of system testing is to evaluate the end-to-end system specification. End-to-end testing means navigate through all the features of the application and checking whether the end features are working or not.

system testing is a type of black box testing and system testing is performed after the integration testing and before acceptance testing.

System Testing With Example

Who performs the system Testing?
System testing is performed by the independent testing team and system testing is done from the business point of view.

System Testing with Example

When to do System Testing?

Basically, system testing is performed after the integration testing and before the acceptance testing.
  • When the build is relatively stable.
  • When a minimum bunch of features is ready.
  • When the test environment is similar to the production environment.

Types of System Testing

Performance Testing 
Testing the speed, scalability, Stability, and reliability of software application is known as performance testing. performance testing is a type of software testing.

Load Testing 
Load testing is the type of testing in which testing the stability and response time of an application by applying a load that is less than or equal to the design no of the user.

Stress Testing 
Stress testing is a type of testing in which testing the stability and response time by applying a load that is more than the design no of the user.

Usability Testing
Usability Testing is a type of non-functional testing in which we test the user-friendliness of the application. user-friendliness means the Look and feel of the application are easy to understand, simple to operate, and feature-rich. etc.

Points To Remember
  • System testing is an end-to-end testing process.
  • system testing is a level of testing where the testing environment is similar to the production environment

Hope !!! The above tutorial on system testing with examples is helpful for you...

QA acharya

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