Spike Testing in Software Testing With Example ,Definition ,Tools

Spike Testing in Software Testing with Example

What is Spike Testing?
Spike testing is a type of software testing in which the system is tested with sudden increments and decrements in the load. The main goal of doing spike testing is to check the behaviour of the application after an extreme variation in traffic. Spike testing also determines the recovery time after the spiking of a huge load. The word spike means sudden "Increase " & "decrease ".
To estimate the weakness of an application we do spike testing.

Spike Testing Example 
An example of spike testing is given below.

E-commerce Website
  • On any particular day when a site gives special deals with great discounts.
  • On launching the new item (eg. phone ) when it goes live for sale.
Live streaming App
  • When any live streaming shows go live for free. 
  • Or when any famous show goes live.
Normal Website 
  • When any certain content of a website goes viral.

Above are some real-time examples of spike testing. 

FSpike Testing in Performance Testing

The objective of Spike Testing 
The main objective of spike testing is given below.
  • To determine the behaviour of an application when there is an unexpected rise and fall of load.
  • To determine the recovery time between 2 successive spikes of load.

Fig. Spike Testing with example

How to Perform Spike Testing?
There are some basic processes that we have to follow to do spike testing.
  • Setup Test Environment 
  • Determine Extreme load
  • Increase Load to peak 
  • Analysis of the peak point 
  • Fall the load to Zero
  • Analysis of minimum load 
  • Perform graph analysis
Spike Testing Tools
By using all the performance testing tools we can perform spike testing, Some of the famous spike testing tools which used by the performance tester in the real-time world. Those spike testing tools are -
  • Apache JMeter 
  • Load Runner 
Advantages of Spike Testing
The main advantage of spike testing is given below.
  • Determine the consequences relate to the sudden change in end-user
  • To determine the recovery time between 2 successive spikes of load.
Disadvantage of spike Testing 
The only disadvantage of spike testing is 
  • The main disadvantage of spike testing is that this is an expensive testing process and costs money, time, and resources.
Hope !!! The above tutorial on spike testing with examples is helpful for you...

QA acharya

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